Jury of the 2019 Edition

Patricia Conde Juaristi
Born in Mexico City. She studied Art History and Literature in Universidad Anáhuac.
From 2009 she manages Patricia Conde Gallery, one space dedicated to promoting and spreading of photography where diverse exhibitions of new and consecrated artists have been presented, establishing connections with different museums as well as an important participation in exhibitions, for example, in two of the most significant exhibitions at a global level: Paris Photo and AIPAD.
From 2017, Patricia Conde is in charge of the board of directors of AIPAD – Association of International Photographers Art Dealers, hence becoming the first Latin American woman to be on that position.

Alejandro Castellote
Independent curator, editor, essayist, and photography professor. He is a former Director of the Photography Area of the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid) from 1985 to 1996, where he managed the Festival FOCO (1985 to 1989). He was the curator of the retrospective exhibition of Martín Chambi in the Círculo de Bellas de Madrid (traveling through Europe from 1990 to 1995), founder and arts director of PHotoEspaña (from 1998 to 2000), curator and editor of Open Maps, Latin American Photogrpahy 1991-2002, curator of the C on Cities exhibition for the Padiglione italiano in the X Venice Biennale of Architecture (2006). Guest curator of the Biennal Photoquai (2007 and 2009, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris), curator in the Getxophoto festival, Bilbao (2007 to 2009), Seoul Photo Fair in South Korea (2010) and the Singapore International Photography Festival (2012).
He has managed the project (book and exhibition) “Spain through photogrpahy” 1839-2010 for Fundación MAPFRE and Taurus publisher (2013). He was the director of the Daegu Photo Biennale 2014 in South Korea and co-curator with Wang Qingsong and François Hebel in the Chang-Jiang nternational Photo&Video Biennale 2015 in Chongqing, China. Guest curator in the Image Triennial 2017, Guangzhou, organized by the Guangdong Museum of Art, China, where he is member of the academic committee for the 2020 Triennal. He participated as tutor in the Parallel-Intersection Lisboa project, that boosts young artists and curators through 17 countries. In 2006 he won the Bartolomé Ros award to the best professional career in Spanish photography. From 2014 to 2016 he was the director of the Latin American Master’s Degree in Contemporary Photography – Maldefoco- in Centro de la Imagen from Lima, Perú.

Esteban Toro
Travel documentary photographer. With photography as an excuse, he has been to more than thirty countries. He is passionate about experimenting and capturing the world with his camera. He is currently a Sony ambassador, photography teacher and is the manager of diverse photography expeditions, workshops and lectures on his work.
When he is not taking photographs of some remote place, he is working in his studio, processing his photographs and looking for new places to visit, choosing his next adventure. Furthermore, his path as teacher and photography curator has turned him into a curious person who is constantly searching for new models to share with photography lovers.
His work has been exhibited in diverse global printed and online magazines, as well as in individual and collective exhibitions, turning him into a reference model in Colombian photography.

Eder Chiodetto
Eder Chiodetto (1965, SP) has a Master’s Degree in Communication from the EPA / USP. He is a journalist, editor, teacher and independent curator who has made more than 100 exhibitions in Brazil and in foreign countries.
For 13 years, he worked as a photo reporter, editor and photo critic for the Folha de S.Paulo. Author of the books “O Lugar do Escritor” (Cosac Naify), “Geração 00: A Nova Fotografia Brasileira”(Edições Sesc), “Curadoria em Fotografia: da pesquisa à exposição” (Ateliê Fotô / Funarte) and “Ser Diretor: Uma viagem por 30 escolas públicas brasileiras” (Fotô Editorial), among others.
In recent years, he edited books from varied Brazilian photographers such as Thomaz Farkas, German Lorca, Cristiano Mascaro, Luiz Braga, Rosângela Rennó and Eustaquio Neves, among others.
Sites: www.ederchiodetto.com.br | www.fotoeditorial.com
He is currently the coordinator of the Atelier Fotô – an advanced photography studies center, in São Paulo, editor of Fotô Editorial and photography curator for the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM-SP).