PHotoFUNIBER’25 contest rules

PHotoFUNIBER’25 contest rules

FUNIBER, in collaboration with the European University of the Atlantic, the International University of Cuanza (UNIC), the International Iberoamerican University of Mexico (UNINI-Mexico), the International University Foundation of Colombia (UNINCOL), the University of La Romana (UNIROMANA), and the International Iberoamerican University (UNIB) launches the seventh edition of the PHotoFUNIBER International Photography Contest.


FUNIBER organizes for the seventh consecutive year the PHotoFUNIBER International Photography Contest as a space to contemplate images that tell different stories. Operating in more than 30 countries through distance education, with a network of students, professors, and researchers from different corners of the planet, we value plurality and talent. We appreciate the critical but positive views on the future.

The contest, promoted within the framework of FUNIBER’s Cultural Work, was created with the aim of learning about the varied perspectives on our world: perfection, intelligence, creativity, effort, and the mysteries that surround us through photographs chosen and constructed to tell stories.


Participation is open to any person of legal age, amateur and/or professional photographers residing in any of the countries where FUNIBER has presence. They must submit their own images that have not been awarded in other contests nor have been commercially exploited, whether for journalistic, advertising, or any other purpose, and that are included in the theme of the contest.

Participation in this contest implies the full acceptance of these rules and the conformity with the decisions of the jury and the organization.

Employees and collaborators of the following institutions linked to the organization of the contest are excluded from the PHotoFUNIBER’25 contest: Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), International University of Cuanza (UNIC), International Iberoamerican University (UNINI-Mexico), International Iberoamerican University (UNIB), University of La Romana (UNIROMANA), European University of the Atlantic, International University Foundation of Colombia (UNINCOL).


“We all know something. We are all ignorant of something. That is why we are always learning”

Paulo Freire

What does education mean to you? And for society?

Learning has no limits and can continue throughout life. Babies, children, adults, and the elderly learn constantly, some more than others, and with each other. p>

While figures indicate that access to formal education has increased fivefold in the last 150 years, much remains to be done. We know that there is a lack of resources and challenges to overcome in many corners of the planet.

One of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015 seeks to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” (Goal No. 4). However, an estimated 300 million children and young people will still lack basic numeracy and literacy skills in 2030 (United Nations).

Between achievements and challenges, possibilities and difficulties of access, early childhood education and university training, diversity and equity… what picture would you take to represent education?

We invite everyone to participate in the PHotoFUNIBER’25 International Photography Contest by sending a photograph that reflects on the theme, on the value of education, its importance in our lives, and/or the challenges of good education.


Participants may submit only one (1) photograph.

Works may be submitted with complete technical and artistic freedom; however, only quality adjustments to the original photograph will be accepted.

Images made by artificial intelligence will not be accepted.

In the entry form, it is necessary to include a title and a paragraph briefly describing the photograph and how it relates to the theme of this contest (maximum 500 words).


FUNIBER will review all the works submitted and will make a pre-selection of a maximum of 100 photographs that will go on to the final selection phase.

The finalist works will be reviewed and evaluated by the Jury of Honor, which will select the winners and honorable mentions.

The Organization reserves the right to replace any member of the Jury if necessary.

The 100 finalist photographs will also be visible in a gallery created on the competition website for public voting, using the ‘Like’ button provided to users who authenticate with their Google account. The author of the photograph may promote the vote on the communication channels he or she deems appropriate.

Public voting will be open until May 15, at 23:59 pm (Spain’s time).


The winner of each category as chosen by the jury will receive a €400 prize and an 80% scholarship to study one of FUNIBER’s postgraduate programs.

The photograph with the most public votes will also be awarded with a prize of €300 and a 50% scholarship to study one of the postgraduate programs. Voting will be done through the contest page website:, using the ‘Like’ button by users who authenticate with their Google account.

The UNEATLANTICO Special Prize will be awarded to the two best photographs submitted by students and/or alumni of any degree/bachelor of the European University of the Atlantic, with the prize of €200 for each winner.

A UNIC Special Prize will be awarded to the two best photographs submitted by students of any degree of the International University of Cuanza. Two prizes of €200 will be awarded.

The UNIROMANA Special Prize will be awarded to the two best photographs submitted by nationals of the Dominican Republic, with the prize of €200 for each winner.

A FUNIBER Special Prize will be awarded to the 2 best photographs submitted by postgraduate students with a FUNIBER scholarship, who have completed their studies or are currently studying. Two prizes of €200 will be awarded.

Additionally, honorable mentions may be given. In this case, an accredited diploma will be awarded, in addition to disseminating the work in the RRSS, FUNIBER’s communication platforms, and exhibitions that may be created.

Prizes are not cumulative.

The winning entries of PhotoFUNIBER’25 will be exhibited at the European University of the Atlantic in Santander (Spain).

* Delivery of awards may be delayed for two months from the date of publication of the winning entry.


The contest decision will be made public through the contest’s website,, and through the communication channels that FUNIBER deems appropriate.

Once the jury of experts has selected the winners, the winners will be informed by e-mail of the prize they have won. If the organization does not locate the winners within 3 calendar days following the resolution of the contest by the jury, the organization will have the exclusive power to decide whether to re-award the prizes, choosing a new work or declaring the contest void.

The winning photographs must send their digital files in high resolution (see specifications for the presentation of the work in point 9).


The deadline for registration and submission of entries will be from March 5 to April 1, at 23:59 PM (Spain’s time)..

The winners will be announced on June 12.

For registration, the author must send the digital file in JPG format, in RGB mode, minimum 800 pixels on one side (max 1000px), with maximum file size of 5 Megabytes (MBs) and 72 ppi resolution.

Registration can be done by filling in the form available on the following website: Only one entry per person will be accepted, and in the event that more than one entry has been submitted, only the first form submitted will be accepted.

After the communication of the award, the winning authors must send their original digital files (to verify authorship) and in high resolution (40 cm. the larger side at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, TIFF format) within a maximum period of 5 days.


  • The image formats that will participate in the contest selection will be TIFF and JPG.
  • Photographs shall have a minimum size on the short side of 3,508 pixels and a minimum resolution of 300 pixels/inch. The image mode can be RGB, CMYK, or grayscale, indistinctly. However, for initial registration, it is necessary that the photograph is in RGB mode and in JPG format, as indicated in point 8.
  • Photographs digitally altered more than good judgment (exposure adjustments, contrast, white balance, and moderate use of HDR, if any) will not be accepted. Photomontages and images created by artificial intelligence will not be accepted in this edition.
  • Winning entrants will be asked for the original files, and two digital analysts will examine the work to avoid awarding prizes to images made by artificial intelligence.
  • Photographs that have been awarded prizes in any other contest will not be accepted. Participants declare in good faith the originality of their works.
  • Failure to comply with the previous point will result in the immediate expulsion of the participant from the contest and subsequent editions. In the event that any of the works had received a prize, the jury’s decision will be void, and the participant must return the prize or its corresponding cash value, and the organization reserves the right to take any subsequent measures it deems appropriate.
  • The participant must include a title and a paragraph briefly describing the photograph and how it relates to the theme of this contest (maximum 500 words).


The authors of the winning and selected photographs will cede their rights of reproduction, communication, and publication to the organization of the contest for the purpose of dissemination and promotion of the contest, as well as exhibition in traveling exhibitions linked to the organization, always citing the name of the author and without prejudice to their own rights as author.

The participants assure that they are the owners of the rights of the photographs submitted and are responsible for the content of the same with full indemnity of the organizers and sponsors of the contest.


Participation in the call for entries implies acceptance of the terms and conditions. Any contingency not foreseen therein will be resolved by the organization.
